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Contact us
We are currently unavailable or in a callPlease try again later.Monday-Friday 09:00 - 18:00 EST
Saturday-Sunday 05:00 - 14:00 EST
For technical support, call 1-800-474-6836

Sales Center Hours

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Need help while shopping the HP Store?

Our HP sales experts are available to support you 7 days a week.

Give them a call today to find the best HP product for you.

Sales & Customer Service Contact Center Hours of Operation*

Monday to Friday
8:00am - 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time (5:00am - 6:00pm Pacific Standard Time)

Saturday and Sunday
9:00am - 9:00pm Eastern Standard Time (6:00am - 6:00pm Pacific Standard Time)

* Contact center hours exclude Holidays.


Payment options

Credit Cards

We accept Canadian VISA, MasterCard and American Express cards with no surcharges imposed by HP. Simply complete the credit card information when submitting your order online.

We only accept credit cards issued in Canada.

All credit card transactions are subject to validation and payment authorisation to protect our customers from fraud activity.

For purchases made by credit card, the billing address must match the address that appears on your credit card or bank statement, otherwise we will not be able to process your order.

When you place the order, your Credit Card provider will pre-authorise the purchase amount required, at this stage HP has not received your payment. HP will request payment to be settled by your Credit Card provider only when your order has shipped from our warehouse.

We do not accept any type of gift cards or international credit cards.

We do not accept PayPal.

Debit Cards

We accept both VISA Debit and Mastercard Debit cards.

If your bank card says either VISA Debit or Mastercard Debit, you can use it to shop on the HP Canada Store and safely pay directly from your bank account.

To pay with VISA Debit or Mastercard Debit, simply select 'VISA' or 'Mastercard' as the card type during checkout.

Enter your bank card number and expiration date in the designated fields.

Enter your security code or 'CVV Number' in the designated field. The security code is most often found on the back of your bank card.

If you are unsure if your bank card includes VISA or Mastercard Debit functionality, please contact your bank for more information. Please note: We do not accept any type of prepaid debit cards.

Call 1-877-231-4351 and an HP sales representative will be happy to assist you with your purchase.

Small and Medium Businesses

For qualifying Small and Medium-sized businesses, credit terms are available. Please contact one of our sales representatives at 1-877-231-4351 to inquire about business credit.

Prices, Taxes and Fees

We aim to provide our customers with competitive prices on the products we offer. Prior to submitting your order you will have the opportunity to review product prices and any applicable sales tax, shipping, and handling charges. Prices are exclusive of, and Customer shall pay, all taxes, duties, levies or fees, or other similar charges imposed on HP or on the Customer by any taxing authority (other than taxes imposed on HP's income) related to Customer's order.

If you feel your order should be tax exempt you must provide a valid tax exempt certificate — other than a resale certificate — at the time you place the order. HP Store sales are intended for personal use and not for resale so we do not accept resale certificates.

Notify HP Store promptly should you believe your order has a pricing error.

HP Store reserves the right to change prices at any time. Should we lower the price of the product you purchased, you may call 1.877.231.4351 within 30 days of invoice date to request a credit for the difference between the price you paid and the current HP Store selling price. This excludes mail-in rebates, which are not part of this price protection.

Despite our best efforts, items on our web site may, on rare occasion, be mispriced. If an item's correct price is lower than our stated price, we will charge the lower amount and ship you the item. If an item's correct price is higher than our stated price, we will, at our discretion, either contact you for instructions before shipping or cancel your order and notify you of such cancellation.

Personal Use

Products and support acquired by Customer under these terms are solely for customer's personal use and not for immediate resale or sub-licensing.

Price Match Policy

At the time of purchase, HP Canada Store will match the current direct-fulfilled, pre-tax Canadian price for new and identical HP personal computer (laptop or desktop) and HP printer (laser or inkjet) products from Canadian nationally recognized on-line retailers. Please note HP will not match pricing from club retailers or online marketplaces (indirect sellers).

HP's Price Match Policy is subject to the following restrictions:

  1. Competing on-line retailer must be a qualifying nationally recognized on-line retailer.
  2. Price from competing on-line retailer must be in Canadian dollars.
  3. Product for which a price match is requested must be new (excludes refurbished or demo items).
  4. Product for which a price match is requested must be identical (product model and product code) to the product listed on HP Canada Store.
  5. Product must be in-stock and available for purchase on the competing on-line retailer’s site and in-stock and available for purchase on HP Canada Store.
  6. Product cannot be available in limited quantities on the competing on-line retailer’s site.
  7. Competing on-line retailer’s price may not be a result of a website error, special sale price or other special offers, including without limitation, e-coupons, mail-in rebates, bundles, financing offers, and gift with purchase offers.
  8. Special sale price includes Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Boxing Day doorbuster deals Instore Promos, Daily Deals, inventory clearance/overstock, private sales (ex. email exclusive offers or VIP sales), volume discounts and/or special channel pricing (ex. Education) with limited volume and/or limited time.
  9. HP will price match a maximum of one unit per model per individual customer under this policy
  10. You can either take advantage of a Price Match price or any coupon or special discount that you have for the HP Canada Store, but not both.

Please call us to request a price match and to complete your new purchase as price match requests cannot be completed via e-mail or chat. When you call, please tell the sales agent:

  1. The HP model number offered by the specifically nationally recognized on-line retailer.
  2. The direct fulfilled, pre-tax price and the steps you took to get to the price.

The HP Canada store sales agent will review and verify the price match request with you on the phone, including determining whether the entity is a nationally recognized on-line retailer, verifying whether the PC is the same model offered on the HP Canada store or whether the HP model number is sold on HP Canada store, and checking the lower price and the availability of the product on HP Canada store. Price protection, price matching, or price guarantees do not apply to intra-day, daily deals, in-store only or limited-time promotions.


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